Fantastic grazing property, 280-350 cow and calf property with great water!
AREA: Approx 2,854 Acres - 1,155 Hectares
SITUATION: The property has extensive frontage to the Oxley highway and is situated 20km west of Mullaley, 57 km southwest of Gunnedah and approx 130 km to Tamworth airport.
COUNTRY: Mostly gently sloping and undulating country with some areas of low hill. that has a small percentage of steeper slopes. Wirraway boasts highly fertile basalt earths with soils consisting of heavy black, chocolate and some areas of red basalt earth. The property has had several seed and super applications over the past 8 years and is now seeing an abundance of pastures over the property. There is approximately 100 ha that is arable that would be highly suitable for fodder crops. There are some smaller areas of timbered grazing on the low hill areas and the balance of property is open grazing country with scattered shade timber of Box, Kurrajong, Wilga & some Pine.
WATER: Wirraway has sound and reliable water via bores, well and dams. 1 bore is equipped with and electric submersible, 2 bores anre equipped with solar submersibles and a well that is also equipped with a solar submersible. Water is pumped to elevated tank sites and reticulated back to stock troughs, house and amenities. The water infrastructure is also completed via numerous dams on the property which have all been recently cleaned out over the past couple of years.
RAINFALL: 700mm or 28 Inches
FENCING: Fencing presents in good condition and consists mainly of barb, plain & ringlock construction. The property has been fenced into 8 main paddocks with some smaller holding paddocks around the yards.
IMPROVEMENTS: The property features a 4 bedroom weatherboard home, that has been renovated throughout, with modern kitchen, new bathroom, laundry and polished floor boards throughout. Enclosed verandah along the front on the house with expansive views over the property. Timber deck along the back of the home with and adjoining carport. Huge amount of rainwater storage and thehouse and yards are also serviced by bore water aswell.
WORKING IMPROVEMENTS: Large set of Arrow steel cattle yards, wean design with round-yard for drafting, Arrow crush and steel loading ramp. There is also a shearing shed (not equipped) has power connected with steel sheep yards. 2 x 100T silos, and 2 horse stables with day yards.
CARRYING CAPACITY: Estimated to comfortably carry 280 to 350 cows and calves, this could be further increased through further pasture development or fodder cropping programs.
AGENT'S REMARKS: Wirraway is located right on the edge of the Liverpool Plains in North West NSW. High quality grazing country that would suit a breeder or even a backgrounding operation with further pasture development. The property boasts fertile soils, has great water and terrific access with highway frontage. The property represents great value for money, is well improved and ready to be put into production.

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