
450 Bridges Road

Property ID:

Productive grazing and mixed farming holding, boasting fertile soils and excellent water


793.7 ha


The property is situated just 35km North of Gunnedah via the Kelvin Rd with bitumen and gravel road access.

The property boasts fertile soils running from creek flats with majestic box trees, to rolling hills of Kurrajongs. The property is extremely well set up for water with a fully integrated system of solar bores, elevated tanks and reticulated water to stock troughs in every paddock. on the property. Most of the paddocks are also backed up by dam water supply also.

The property is well fenced with an integrated laneway system. Fenced into approx 32 paddocks, including approx 12km of new fencing.Approx 300ha are arable which includes 60ha of sub tropical pastures and 175ha of established Perennial pastures.

Improvements include a:

  • 4 bedroom brick veneer home, with new carpets and painted throughout
  • set of wean design steel cattle yards with CIA crush, loading ramp, water yard, cooler yard and lane-way system to cattle yards
  • 2nd set of combo sheep/cattle yards, 2 stand shearing shed. machinery shed with workshop, silos, small hay shed, and seed shed.
  • The property is to be offered with plant and equipment

The property is currently run as a backgrounder and agistment operation and for the past 4 years has consistently run approx 500 yearling and grown cattle, previous to this the current owners would consistently run 300 cows with progeny being turned off as weaners.

The property is conveniently situated between Gunnedah and Tamworth and ideally located to the livestock markets and abattoirs. The property has an excellent balance of soil types, is well fenced and boasts excellent water. This property is a productive and versatile grazing property, that is carrying a terrific body of feed.

Everything is set up ready to go, buyers can be confident to hit the ground running and put this property into production.

James Bradford
02 6742 0905
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