"Meglea" - untapped potential in a rich, mixed farming area. Good water, with building potential.
• Gently sloping country with soils running from chocolates to red sandy loams, with scattered shade timber on the open areas of Box, Ironbark & Kurrajong.
• Approximately 500 acres of open country of which 400 ac is arable. There balance of the country is timbered regrowth country that has been pulled previously - this area would lend itself to cleaning up regrowth and pasture improving.
• The property is watered via dams and bores. There are 2 bores - 1 bore is equipped with an electric submersible and the 2 nd bore is equipped with a pump jack. There is approximately 6 dams on the property.
• External fencing includes a range of netting plain plain and barbed wire. internal fencing is need of attention.
• The owner estimates that the property would currently run 75 cows and calves with the potential to run much more with future pasture development.
• Meglea will be sold with a building entitlement.

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