"South Glencoe" 709 Glencoe Rd Emerald Hill NSW 2380
"South Glencoe" consists of 440.9 hectares ( 1089 acres) located just 30km north west of Gunnedah via Emerald Hill.
The property comprises of chocolate to red basalt earths and runs from flat to gently sloping rising to an area of low hill. Approx 372 ha (920 ac) are arable, of which 244 ha (600 ac) has been established to sub-tropical pastures with an abundance of Premier Digit grass, the balance of the country currently exhibits and abundance of annual & perennial native grasses.
Improvements include a set of steel cattle yards with cattle crush and steel loading ramp.
HE elevated silo.
The property is fenced into approx 9 paddocks, with approx 7km of newer internal fencing, boundary fencing presents in good to fair condition.
The property is estimated to carry 100 cows and calves in an average rainfall season.
Water is sourced via 4 large stock dams. Excellent catchment with the country having natural slope, contours and water courses. Dams still had water in them right through 2018-2019. Average annual rainfall of 600mm.
"South Glencoe" represents great value fro money and lends itself perfectly to further development. Looking to kick start your own cattle empire? "South Glencoe" is covered in feed & ready to be put into production.

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