747 Upper Yarrowitch River Road
7km from Yarrowitch Showground, 55km East of Walcha via Oxley Hwy, 130km West of Port Macquarie, 150km to Tamworth
Renowned high rainfall country consisting of rich red basalt soils top dressed with Superphosphate annually. The 100 acres is 90% arable ideally situated on the edge of the timber to capture easterly rainfall
Very good permanent water with Yarrowitch River running through access to the block. 1500mm rainfall. 2 dams
The property is well fenced into 3 paddocks with predominately barbed and plain wire fencing.
Comfortably carries 60 steers year round but has fattened up too 100 in a year
Modern M & M Steel Stockyards, CIA Ringer crush fitted with chin lifter, loading ramp
747 Upper Yarrowitch River Road is the ideal low maintenance fattening block. Located in the very tightly held Yarrowitch Valley, this is the first time offered in over 40 years.
A great investment in agriculture with healthy returns!!

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